Factors affecting the Individual Behavior
The key factors influencing an individual behavior include abilities, gender, attribution, attitude, perception, race and culture.
The key factors influencing an individual behavior include abilities, gender, attribution, attitude, perception, race and culture.
Understanding Inclusion Inclusion is based on the belief that students of all abilities have the right to an education that is meaningful, appropriate and equivalent to that of their peers. It is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued and safe. An inclusive community evolves to meet the […]
Inclusive education is a new concept; a few schools are striving to create an inclusive environment through experimentation with various approaches. These approaches include establishing new inclusive schools; giving access to children with disabilities to existing schools; persuading children without disabilities to join special education institutions; keeping children with special needs within regular school although […]
Instructional simulation is a teaching method that tests learners’ knowledge and skill levels by placing them in scenarios where they must actively solve problems. The instructor defines the parameters to create a safe environment for hands-on learning experiences. When participating in a scenario, students must quickly evaluate the situation, decide on the best course of […]
Definition of Simulated Teaching Simulated teaching is the technique of learning and training, which develops the ability in an individual regarding problem solving behavior. It has been defined as a role playing strongly in which learner performs the role in an artificially created environment. Saxena and Oberoi (1994) explained procedure of simulated teaching in their […]
Introduction & Origin Simulation is an activity that can contribute to a successful and highly enjoyable experiences. It engages students by placing them directly into the conflict of the real situation. It comes alive as students interact with one another. Since a long time ago, simulation has been used by human and even animal to […]
The project method is the embodiment of a new way of looking at the pupil and a new way of teaching him to live. It aims at bringing out what is in the child and at allowing him to develop himself. It gives an opportunity for self-expression, and for relating the self to the community. […]
According to Kilpatrick there are four types of projects. They are: Constructive Project, Aesthetic Project, Problematic Project, Drill Project
Financial administration refers to a set of activities which are related to making available money to the various branches of an organization to enable it to carry out its objects.
Definition Financial Planning is the process of estimating the capital required and determining its competition. It is the process of framing financial policies in relation to procurement, investment and administration of funds of an enterprise. Objectives of Financial Planning Financial Planning has got many objectives to look forward to: Determining capital requirements– This will depend […]