National Education Policies
Since independence in 1947, a variety of documents were developed on National Education Policies as guidelines on access, quality and governance in education sector of Pakistan; National Education Conference (1947) National Education Commission Report (1959) The Education Policy (1972) National Education Policy (1979) National Education Policy (1992) National Education Policy (1998-2010) National Education Policy (2009) […]

Controversies between Anglicists and Classicists
Although Charter Act of 1813 was the first act through which the education system was formally laid down in India, yet it had created a controversy between the anglicists and classicists on the medium of instruction.

Lord Bentinck’s Educational Policy 1835
Lord William Bentinck accepted Macaulay’s minute or opinions towards the language of education for India. The Bentinck Policy made the resolution of Macaulay’s views on the stress of English language as a medium of instruction.

Macaulay’s Minute 1835
As a president of General Committee of Public Instruction, Lord Macaulay wrote a minute on 2nd February 1835, where he made the conclusion regarding the controversy between Anglicists and Classicists. Lord Macaulay stressed the implementation of the English language as a medium of instruction through his minute. According to him, English was the best medium […]

Charter Act 1813
Although, before 1813, Missionaries and various religious groups had brought some basic education non-officially to the Indian masses but it was through the Charter Act that a state system of education was officially introduced in Indian history. In this unit, we are going to discuss and identify the significance of the Charter Act and Macaulay’s […]

The Influence of the World Conferences on Muslim Education
the First World Conference on Muslim Education was held with a view to addressing globally the multifarious problems facing the education of the ummah.

Imam Ghazali
Abu Hāmed Mohammad ibn Mohammad al-Ghazzālī (1058–1111) (Persian: ابو حامد محمد ابن محمد الغزالی), known as Imam Ghazali or Algazel to the western medieval world, born and died in Tus, in the Khorasan province of Persia (modern day Iran) was a Persian Muslim theologian, jurist, philosopher, and mystic. Imam Ghazali was born in at Ghazala […]