Recreational Institutions
Recreation refers to all those activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and minds and make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable. Examples of recreation activities are walking, swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and dancing.

Economic Institutions
Economics Institutions defined The term ‘economic institutions’ is usually used for socially sanctioned such concepts and structures which men have developed in the process of satisfying their material needs. Economic institutions provide basic physical subsistence for society and meet needs for food, shelter, clothing and other necessities of life. These institutions include production agriculture and […]

Agencies of Socialization
Socialization cannot take place in a vacuum. Individuals, groups and institutions create the social context for socialization to take place. In general, it may be said that the total society is the agency for socialization and that each person with whom one comes into contact and interact is in some way an agent of socialization. […]

Individual Behavior vs Group Behavior
Organizational behavior is “The study and understanding of individual and group behavior and patterns of structure in order to help improve organizational performance and effectiveness.”(Laurie J. Mullins) Another definition of organizational behavior is “The study of how thoughts, feelings and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations are influenced by the actual implied or imagined […]

Factors affecting the Individual Behavior
The key factors influencing an individual behavior include abilities, gender, attribution, attitude, perception, race and culture.