The Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance, 1984
(Pb. Ord. IV of 1984) [12 August 1984] An Ordinance to provide for the promotion and regulation of private educational institutions.

The West Pakistan Registration of Unrecognized Educational Institutions Ordinance, 1962
West Pakistan Ordinance No. XI Of 1962 (16th April, 1962). An Ordinance to provide the registration of unrecognized private educational institutions in the province of West Pakistan.

Punjab Travelling Allowance Rules 1976
Travelling allowance is granted to a civil servant to cover the expenses which he incurs in travelling in the interest of public service. A civil servant’s claim to travelling allowance shall be regulated by the rules in force at the time the journey in respect of which the claim is made, is undertaken. A per diem (daily) allowance is uniform allowance for each day of absence from headquarters which is intended to cover the extra daily expenditure incurred by a civil servant in consequence of such absence.

The Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Ordinance, 1960
An Ordinance to constitute a Benevolent Fund for relief of Government servants and their families.
(W.P. Ordinance XIV of 1960) [23 April 1960]

Functions and Benefits of Law
Laws are set of principles that guide people’s actions in various situations of life. Initially the primary purpose of the law was to keep the peace, but as society became more complex and developed, the law took on additional functions.

Different terms related to Law
What is Law? Law is a generic term that comprises Acts, regulations, Ordinances and all other subordinate legislations that are meant to not just maintain public order but also to provide information to public regarding rules and regulation that apply in specific situations. Important Law Terms Some important law terms which are commonly used in […]

Educational Laws around the Globe
Educational law is the area of law that relates to schools, teachers and the rights of students to a public education, as well as standards for those students who attend private schools. Educational laws in Pakistan, India, China, USA, UK, France.

Law and its types
LAW All the rules and regulations that are required to maintain a community, organization, society, or a country are referred as its laws. Laws regulate the behavior of the members of the community. There are property laws, constitutional laws, contract laws, criminal laws, religious laws, and even international laws governing relations between nations. In a […]

Leave Rules 1981 for Govt. Employees
Leave rules 1981 are still applicable and there are amendments and explanations time to time. Leave rules for all the civil Govt. Employees of Federal as well as Provincial Govt. Employees has been fully described here. The detail of Leaves on full pay, leave on half pay, medical leave, special leave for female staff, maternity […]

Gratuity Law in Pakistan
Gratuity is a one of the retirement benefits for long service. Before May 1972, the payment of gratuity by employer was on voluntary basis, after that it was incorporated in Standing Orders and becomes a statutory obligation of employers. Since then payment of gratuity is a legal benefit of eligible worker. There are three different […]