Functions and Benefits of Law

Laws are set of principles that guide people’s actions in various situations of life. Initially the primary purpose of the law was to keep the peace, but as society became more complex and developed, the law took on additional functions.

Significance of Law

What is Law?

Laws are the standard rules and regulations that are compulsory and to be followed by all the people of the country. Laws are set of principles that guide people’s actions in various situations of life. Laws are compulsory and there are provisions in these laws for punishment for those who break or do not follow these laws.

Beneficial functions of law

Law of some variety has been a part of society since the time of the most primitive societies. Initially the primary purpose of the law was to keep the peace, but as society became more complex and developed, the law took on additional functions. Some beneficial functions of law are as under:

  • To structure the government. (e.g. Constitution)
  • To protect citizens from the Government. (e.g. Bill of Rights)
  • To create orderly change-rather than revolution or anarchy.
  • To keep the peace and harmony in the society.
  • To promote and maintain social order.
  • To protect minorities from majorities.
  • Setting standards of conduct behavior.
  • To foster and promote morality.
  • To provide a mechanism for compromise solutions between polar principles and positions.
  • To resolve disputes peacefully.
  • To punish wrong doers (e.g. Criminal Laws).
  • To compensate victims (e.g. Civil Laws).
  • Taxing Revenue for the Government (e.g. Tax Laws).
  • To reallocate resources fairly.
  • To foster stability, reliability, predictability etc.


Law and its types

Different terms related to Law

Educational Laws around the Globe

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