Digital Divide among University Students
Impact of the Digital Divide on Learning Outcomes of Students in Higher Education Institutes

21st Century Skills in Education
21st century skills in education refer to a set of abilities and competencies that are considered essential for success in the modern world.

Effect of Population Growth on National Development
The term “population growth” refers to how the number of individuals in a population increases with time. This is controlled by birth and death rates.

Population Education: Meaning, Assumptions and Aims
Population education is an educational process, which helps individual to learn about population and population dynamics.

Causes of Gender Inequality
Over the years, the gender inequality is consistently perishing. The world has got closer to achieving gender equality. There is better representation of women in politics, more economic opportunities, and better healthcare in many places of the world. However, the World Economic Forum estimates it will take another century before true gender equality becomes a reality. What […]

Madrassa Reforms in Pakistan
New developments at international level, especially the events of 11th September 2001, increased the importance of madrassa reforms not only for Pakistan

Madaris in Pakistan
In Pakistan, the madaris are based on sect, and every sect has its own madrassa network that is controlled by a board or Wafaq. Every board has its own system of education and they hold annual exams and distribute certificates among students. There are five madrassa boards or wafaqs in Pakistan, and they are also […]