teaching and learning strategies

Selection of Teaching Method

Selection of Teaching Method

Teaching Method A teaching method refers to the set of step by step procedures used by the teacher in guiding the learners to achieve learning objectives. In other words, as applied to classroom setting, a teaching method is a series of related and progressive acts performed by the teacher and the learners to accomplish the […]

Teaching VS Instruction

Difference between Teaching and Instruction

Teaching and Instruction are being used interchangeably by many educators these days. Teachers are often called instructors supposing that their job is to instruct, to give knowledge or instructions. However, there is subtle difference between teaching and instruction. Teaching Teaching is more complex in nature. When we talk about teaching, we are dealing with different […]

Core Skills for Teachers

Core Teaching Skills

Core teaching skills are the essential skills that teachers need to be fully prepared for effective teaching and work in a productive teaching learning environment. Sometimes referred to as 21st century teaching skills, the Core Teaching Skills are the combination of the skills such as cognitive, delivering, learning and expressing in new and innovative ways.
Skill of Probing Questions, Explaining, Illustrating With Examples, Stimulus Variation, Reinforcement, Classroom Management, Using Blackboard, Introducing a Lesson.

Teaching Strategies for Teachers

Instructional Strategies for Teachers

An instructional strategy is a method you would use in your teaching (in the classroom, online, or in some other medium) to help activate students’ curiosity about a class topic, to engage the students in learning, to probe critical thinking skills, to keep them on task, to engender sustained and useful classroom interaction, and, in general, to enable and enhance their learning of course content.