Pillars of Pakistan Vision 2025

Pillars of Pakistan Vision 2025

Pakistan Vision 2025 is designed to represent an aspirational destination. It will serve as a critical guide-post for the development of an effective strategy and road-map to reach our national goals and aspirations. It is not meant to represent the resultant strategy and program itself. The Vision will be realized through strategies and programs defined […]

Key Enablers of Vision 2025

Key Enablers of Vision 2025

Pakistan Vision 2025 is designed to represent an aspirational destination. It will serve as a critical guide-post for the development of an effective strategy and road-map to reach our national goals and aspirations. It is not meant to represent the resultant strategy and program itself. The Vision will be realized through strategies and programs defined […]

25 Goals of Pakistan Vision 2025

25 Goals of Pakistan Vision 2025

Pakistan Vision 2025 is designed to represent an aspirational destination. It will serve as a critical guide-post for the development of an effective strategy and road-map to reach our national goals and aspirations. It is not meant to represent the resultant strategy and program itself. The Vision will be realized through strategies and programs defined […]

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a term that refers to the period of time from a child’s birth to when they enter kindergarten. The period from birth to eight years old is remarkable for brain development of children and represents a crucial window of opportunity for education.

National Education Policies

National Education Policies

Since independence in 1947, a variety of documents were developed on National Education Policies as guidelines on access, quality and governance in education sector of Pakistan; National Education Conference (1947) National Education Commission Report (1959) The Education Policy (1972) National Education Policy (1979) National Education Policy (1992) National Education Policy (1998-2010) National Education Policy (2009) […]

CAI — Computer Assisted Instruction

CAI — Computer Assisted Instruction

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) refers to an interactive form of teaching in which instructional material is presented by computer and the individual’s learning is tracked using a computer. In simple words, CAI is a program of instructional material presented by means of a computer or computer systems. In some other instances, It is a self-learning technique […]

CSCL — Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

CSCL — Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is considered as one of the most promising innovations to improve teaching and learning with the help of modern information and communication technology. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) refers to learning situations mediated by technologies where small groups of 3 to 5 students are exposed to interaction in order to solve […]

Phases of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Phases of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Developments in ICT offer increasing possibilities for collaborative learning. Technology based learning environments can provide advanced means for the production of knowledge and constructive communication, and interactive and collaborative learning in (and between) classrooms and between teachers and learners. CSCL is one such example. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) refers to the activity of […]

Selection of Teaching Method

Selection of Teaching Method

Teaching Method A teaching method refers to the set of step by step procedures used by the teacher in guiding the learners to achieve learning objectives. In other words, as applied to classroom setting, a teaching method is a series of related and progressive acts performed by the teacher and the learners to accomplish the […]